DVD Duplication, also known as “burning,” or DVD Replication, known as “molded DVDs” or “stamping,” is the process of copying the content from a Master DVD onto a number of copies. Burned DVDs are copied onto record-able DVD-R media, and a Stamped or Replicated DVD is a DVD that is manufactured with your specific content that is “stamped” through a plastic injection molding process.
Similar to DVDs are Blu-Ray discs that can hold quite a bit more than a DVD, but they do require a Blu-Ray compatible device to play them, or a Blu-Ray compatible drive on your computer to access the files.
With DVD Duplication, create professional content in small or large batches that is analyzed to be compatible with almost all devices. Produce your product by the hundreds or thousands with exact dvd duplication and replication, while having full-control of your artwork and content. Our professionals will work with you and help you through the process by giving detailed technical assistance, quotes, product examples, specifications, and many options to choose from to have the right finished product for your needs.